Monday, October 5, 2009

Financial Crisis From My Point of View

Yeah so, the frickin Banker Bail Out has increased the Nation Debt by twelve frickin percent! That's insane! 12%?! And you KNOW they'll just keep taking this free money(which it is free money, but for the bankers), until the American people standup and SAY something about it. Everyone's all, "playing softball" if you will, with the fact that this country was literally standing next to the edge of "the cliff" financially, and the bankers with these derivatives bets, figuratively shoved the US economy off the edge of the cliff where it is now hanging. and rather than step out of the way and let these banks and companys that had made BAD BETS(derivatives) on the stock market get side-stepped by the US economy and plunge to their doom, we let them push us off the cliff. They took big risks when rolling the dice, and they lost. They lost big. Huge companys and banks were going to go bankrupt because of how irresponsibly the CEOs were running these businesses. Now, instead of just allowing that to happen, instead of making people responsible for their OWN actions, what do we do? We stand up and say: "Sure! "Come on over you corrupt CEOs, don't worry about it, we're gunna give you access to trillions of dollars and get this, the American people are gunna foot the bill."
Bottom line, they did that. The government sold out our future wages(through tax collection), by bailing these bankers out. They did themselves one or who knows how many times better, because the debt wont be close to paid by the time all of us now living are dead and gone. The reason it would take so long is because the Federal Government, would not stop spending. A billion here, a trillion there, what does it matter? "I'm a wealthy politician I'm not going to be affected by it. I can afford not to have problems."
That's the world we live in.
We need a resource based economy, not a profit based economy. To succeed for successes' sake. (Lots of "S"ss...)

p.s. sorry there are no cowboys or scooters on this page. i feel awful about it. :(

Monday, July 20, 2009

The New World Order

So ever hear of the "New World Order"? Maybe in a movie, or other form of media. But, maybe I'm being too cynical. Maybe you already know about it and maybe, just maybe you want to do something about it. Perhaps you also feel as impotent as I do right now.

I have spent my entire life fixated on unimportant things. Things such as: video games, movies, and many forms of "entertainment". I believe that entertainment should be renamed to "distractions". The elite in this world have controlled our lives for centuries, playing off our inadequacies, our hopes, our dreams, they have shaped a tree that is very near to fruition. Very soon they will bring forward their long-term plans of One World Government, where the rich will dominate the poor, as they do already.

See, the battle/struggle has never been between Republican and Democrat, blacks vs. whites, or any other dichotomy the elitists parade before our noses. No, those are merely distractions and ways to allow the elitists to perpetrate the real crimes against humanity that they so love to execute.

You see, if we are all preoccupied with what Senator A said about Senator B's proposed bill, then we will not notice the fact that the REAL decisions are being made behind closed doors. We are distracted with the stupidity that whites are superior to blacks, that we all are anything BUT equal to one another.

If the human race were ever to truly realize how unified we truly could be, then the centuries of oppression dealt to us by these madmen would be at an end. The dynamic human spirit would rise to such heights, seemingly unimaginable.

Many people have been publicly denounced as crackpots over the years for suggesting that there is a global conspiracy. But today, it is a reality. Today it is announced. The video here is a trailer for a documentary that someones putting together about the New World Order. There are a lot of good news clips of these bastard politicians announcing, and suggesting that we need a New World Order. Next, I have a bit about John F. Kennedy.